Over the past three years, Horsens local council has accumulated a great deal of knowledge about violence experienced by council workers in their contact with the public. Whereas the first year’s figures gave an indication of the number of cases, the second year’s figures provided more accurate information about the actual number. However, information from the most recent year may indicate that Horsens local council has reversed the trend and that the number of incidents against employees has peaked. At least the trend seems to be going downward.
Summary of the incidents in 2018:
1. Overall, the number of reports of violent incidents decreased by approximately 10%. The decline is especially evident in the areas of disability, psychiatry and socially disadvantaged residents. The figure for special schools has dropped significantly, while the figure for primary schools has risen sharply. The latter is a result of improved reporting conduct and not an escalation of violence.
2. Among new employees with a one year tenure, the number of reports has dropped, which may suggest that there is a greater focus on onboarding of personnel. Here, too, the decline is mainly seen in the areas of disability, psychiatry and socially disadvantaged residents, where the number of reports has almost halved.
3. Incidents of physical violence have decreased in special schools, but increased significantly in primary schools. Remarkably, the percentage of violent incidents has also increased significantly in day-care centres.
4. ‘Irritated’, ‘tense’ and ‘powerless’ scored highest in the statistics on the state of mind that the violated victims experienced after the incidents.
5. The employee who reported the most cases in 2017 (96) ‘only’ reported 11 cases in 2018. Another of the 10 worst affected employees in 2017 (26 cases) also experienced a reduction in the number of incidents in 2018 (1). This may suggest that the local council has made a targeted effort to help the employees who experienced violence.
Local initiatives help
We believe there is real evidence that, in general, the trend has been reversed. The following story suggests that Horsens local council’s sustained focus on registering the incidents involving violence has made a difference:
In 2017, three employees from the same institution reported the most incidents. Between them they reported a total of 180 violations. In comparison in 2018 the same employees reported only 12 violations.
Working in partnership with the local council, we decided to investigate the cause of this drastic reduction in the number of reports:
1. Did the three employees leave their jobs?
2. Did they take sick leave?
3. Did they simply stop reporting the violations?
4. Did the local management launch initiatives to reduce the many incidents based on the figures that were available to them?
Fortunately, the answer is the latter, as the local management has taken steps to implement support mechanisms for the three employees, while also taking action to reduce the many incidents. This has resulted in greater safety for employees, while for management it has meant that the risk of stress related sick-leave among the three affected employees is significantly reduced, if not eliminated.
Our Conclusion: Horsens local authority has taken the first steps towards reversing the trend, and it will be exciting to see the figures for 2019.